Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Dancer

Her movements are graceful.
She dances with ease.
Her feet seem to never touch the ground.
She appears to be floating,
Floating above the stage.

She is so beautiful
People hold their breath.
She tells the story of love
With every movement of her body.

Her body moves with grace.
The story unfolds
With every turn and jump.

Soon her body is caught up in the sadness,
The sadness of her loss.
Her body seems to wilt to the floor
Much like a petal off a dead rose.
The curtain falls and the story has ended.

Bitter Love

The time spent together
Was the time of our lives.
Everything seemed so right,
Nothing could stop us.

The love we shared
Kept my spirit alive.
You were there
To offer me a hug.

With one tick of a clock.
It changed forever.
We didn't see each other
The same as we used to.

Everything turned bitter
With that one quick tick.
The clock continues to tick,
But I still feel the pain.

The pain is so bitter.
This thing we call love
Is no more than a sprinkle of ginger.
It adds a little spice
But you need to add to it
To make anything sweet.

Written: 1998

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

early stuff

The Dress

A box sat in the corner.
A box long forgotten by all.
The box contained the dress
That was worn by so many generations.

The satin was still a perfect white,
The lace still intact.
The veil placed lovingly on the side,
Patiently awaiting the next bride.

She removed the dress,
Careful not to harm a thread.
She held the dress against her and looked in the mirror.
She saw her mother in the doorway,
Her eyes misted over with the memory of the day
She promised her life to her one and only.

With one single look,
Many words are left unspoken but acknowledged.
It is now her turn to exchange vows
And become one with her love.

some early stuff

Here's a couple things from high school.  Keep in mind I had to write according to the assignment, not necessarily what I wanted to do.

Morning Snow

This morning the snow was blowing all around.
I hit the snooze twice,
Not wanting to bear the cold outside world.

I try so hard
To get out of bed
But the covers held me in.
Held me in a place of solitude and relaxation.

After a long struggle
I give up.
I give in to the idea of not going to school,
And not dealing with any problems.

The only thing I wonder is,
Would anyone miss me?

this one was for my boys

They look so innocent
And peaceful,
Their eyes closed in sleep.

Their eyes dance
At dreams they dream
And secret wishes they make.

I want to capture the moment,
The stillness and peace
For it happens so little.

Activity all day
And a few precious hours
They reenergize and rest.

Only to wake
And be off again
Until they must sleep.

More to come...

I created this blog to allow other people to see my poems and various writings.  I value any and all thoughts on what I post.  I can only grow as a writer if I can reach other people with what I write.  This is something I never before thought to do with what I write.  Usually its all kept in various journals that lay collecting dust around the house. I hope that you enjoy what I post and if you don't, let me know that too.